Monday, April 30, 2012

Papa Pio!

I'm a little late, but I can't miss posting something about the patron of this blog on his feast day.

Sanctus Pius Papa, ora pro nobis

Friday, April 27, 2012

Mountain Monasteries, Immovable Statues and Canadians

Departament de Premsa i Comunicació de Montserrat

Today in Canada is the feast day of Our Lady of Montserrat. It is located in the Spanish region of Catalonia, and is one of the black Madonnas of Europe. I have no idea what the tie is between Canada and a statue up in a Benedictine monastery in near Barcelona. The origins of the stature are not known, it is believed to have been moved to this region to avoid the invading Saracens in the 8th century. The  Legend of it's discovery takes place in the following century when shepherds discovered it in a cave after witnessing strange lights and angelic singing. They tried to move it to the Cathedral but the statue got too heavy so they just built around it.

I actually had the opportunity to visit the shrine when I was a kid. Lamentably at the time I didn't appreciate my trip to that holy place. I don't even remember if I even saw the statue itself. All I have are vague memories of the windy mountain road you take to get there and the building s of the monastery.

One thing of note is this is the place where St. Ignatius of Loyola transitioned from from physical warrior to spiritual warrior. It was here that he confessed his sins, gave his clothes to the poor and hung his weapons before the altar of the Virgin of Montserrat.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Clip Art XXI

The ostensorium, most commonly known as the monstrance, is a vessel made of gold, silver, brass or copper with a glass receptacle used to hold the Blessed Sacrament for exposition. Originally the both terms applied to all kinds of vessels made by gold and silversmiths to display the Blessed Sacrament or a saint's relic. They come in different styles, but the most common and appropriate is the radiating rays version.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Known for sure about St. George is that he was a Roman soldier in the late 3rd century Holy Land. He is typically depicted as a medieval knight, from early to late middle ages, I've seen a few images that have him depicted in armor that is more period correct. I tend to be a nerd when it comes to that sort of thing so I chose to make my depiction based on a 3rd century Roman cavalryman. If St. George had a horse, as is told in his Golden Legend, that means he was either cavalry or an officer. The Golden Legend is the one about him saving the king's daughter from the dragon. A detail you don't often hear of the story is that after he rescued the maiden he had her kingdom baptised. Like many Christian soldiers of Rome during ongoing persecutions he was martyred for the Faith.

He is a symbol of chivalry and an inspiration of knighthood since the middle ages.

Among  his large list of patronages is England, Georgia, cavalry, soldiers, Boy Scouts, horsemen, and against skin diseases and plague.

Sanctus Georgius, ora pro nobis.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Muñequitos Monasticos: Dominicans

I have already covered the Dominican cooperator brothers the sisters and even made an animated Gif of a talking friar, but I haven't made an official entry on the Order of Preachers, so here it is.

The Order of Friars Preachers, they were founded by Spanish priest St. Dominic de Guzmán in the early 13th century. While traveling in Southern France he saw a need to preach the truth to stamp out the heresies that were rampant there. During his preaching ministry St. Dominic established a monastic community of women that he converted with the purpose of  praying for St. Dominic and his companion's preaching. His ministry started to attract men thus eventually forming the order. St. Dominic adopted the Augustinian Rule and during the course of their history the friars have served as preachers, canon lawyers, inquisitors, teachers, and theologians. Today the order is made up of friars (priests and cooperator brothers), active sisters, contemplative nuns, priestly fraternities and  lay fraternities.

Dominican Cooperator Brother here
Dominican Sister  here
Preaching Dominican Friar animation here 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Digital Doodling

click to make larger

I was just messing around with Photoshop's brush/pen and smudge tools. It gives the illusion of blending paint.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sabbatum Sanctum

Et accepto corpore, Ioseph involvit illud in sindone munda, et posuit illud in monumento suo novo, quod exciderat in petra, et advolvit saxum magnum ad ostium monumenti et abiit... Ait illis Pilatus: “ Habetis custodiam; ite, custodite, sicut scitis ”. Illi autem abeuntes munierunt sepulcrum, signantes lapidem, cum custodia. - Mt 27:59-60, 65-66

Friday, April 6, 2012

Viernes Santo

“ Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum ”

Sunday, April 1, 2012


In crastinum turba multa, quae venerat ad diem festum, cum audissent quia venit Iesus Hierosolymam, acceperunt ramos palmarum et processerunt obviam ei et clamabant: “ Hosanna! Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini, et rex Israel! ”. Invenit autem Iesus asellum et sedit super eum, sicut scriptum est: “ Noli timere, filia Sion. Ecce rex tuus venit sedens super pullum asinae ” Jn 12:12-15

The King enters Jerusalem, Holy Week begins. This week the Lenten season reaches it's end and we leave the desert we inhabited for the last 5 weeks and the Paschal Mystery reaches it's crescendo. It's fitting that here in Western Georgia, as Easter approaches the flora has returned to it's verdant splendor. This is the most solemn and glorious week of the year.