Sunday, March 31, 2013




Happy Pascua

Friday, March 29, 2013

Consummatum est!

“ Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum ”

originally posted 04-06-2012 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dominica Palmarum

Originally posted 04/01/212


In crastinum turba multa, quae venerat ad diem festum, cum audissent quia venit Iesus Hierosolymam, acceperunt ramos palmarum et processerunt obviam ei et clamabant: “ Hosanna! Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini, et rex Israel! ”. Invenit autem Iesus asellum et sedit super eum, sicut scriptum est: “ Noli timere, filia Sion. Ecce rex tuus venit sedens super pullum asinae ” Jn 12:12-15

The King enters Jerusalem, Holy Week begins. This week the Lenten season reaches it's end and we leave the desert we inhabited for the last 5 weeks and the Paschal Mystery reaches it's crescendo. It's fitting that here in Western Georgia, as Easter approaches the flora has returned to it's verdant splendor. This is the most solemn and glorious week of the year.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's Over, Not Really, It's Just begun

I eagerly await Pope Francis's coat of arms

This is his episcopate coat of arms from the Diocese of Buenos Aires website

His apal arms should have a similar shield, with the Keys of Peter, what I wonder is if he will use the tiara or continue with the mitre as Pope Emeritus Benedict had done with his arms.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

And So It Begins

Who's arms will fill the empty shield?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Rejoice Jerusalem!

It's Laetare Sunday, the midway point of the Lenten season and an opportunity within this penitential season to express joy. It is also knows as Rose Sunday, in which the liturgical color is rose and customarily the Pope blesses an ornamental rose made of gold to be given to royalty, distinguished persons, government or cities that have shown a noticeable Catholic devotion and loyalty to the Holy See.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I See Cardinals

...everywhere, and not just on the internet and blogosphere about the coming conclave.