Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Nicolette Boilet
In the old calender March 6 is the feast of St. Colette, February 7 being the new date. St. Colette was born in either 1380 or 1381 in Corbie, Picardy, France. Accounts of her story vary, so this is a mish mash of info. After her parents died she was left to the care of the Benedictine Abbot of the abbey where her father worked.. Most accounts have her joining the Beguines, and some other accounts have her also joining the Benedictines and Urbanist Poor Clares, with her finally receiving the habit of the Third Order Franciscans. She became a recluse or anchoress, depending on the source, and left her hut/cell when she was told by Our Lord in a vision to restore the Poor Clares their original austerity. She walked to Nice and appealed to Peter de Luna also known as the antipope Benedict XIII. At that time there was schism, one that St. Collect helped St. Vincent Ferrer heal. 18 monasteries of the Colettine Poor Clare reform were established in St. Colette's life time and she even instituted a short lived Franciscan Friar reform that was absorbed into the Observant branch of the Friars Minor.
She is a patron against the death of parents and Corbie, France.
Some of her representations are birds, a lamb, Poor Clare nun walking on a stream or a woman being carried into heaven by an angel.
Sanctæ Colétæ, ora pro nobis.
My Mothers name was Colletta and she passed on Jan 23rd. the same day St. Colette was beautified.